Index of /Angus Lam/
Hello! Welcome! You made it to my website and I'm so glad to see you here.

My name is Angus, a software engineer based in New York currently at Stripe. My skills include full-stack engineering, product design, and project management, and I specialize in building technology enabled products with delightful experiences.
I have experience working at technology startups of sizes small and large in San Francisco, New York, and Buffalo. Before Stripe, I've worked at Lugg, Optimizely, and a few Buffalo startups. I've built software from zero-to-one MVPs to scalable enterprise grade features.
On this site, you'll find a collection of my professional and personal work from a breadth of my interests, hobbies, adventures, and brainworms.
- Blog
- “My migration from iCloud Photos to Google Photos went so terribly that I had to write Python scripts and it still took 80 hours”
- “Building a student tech community” How I organized UB ACM, my alma mater's computer science club, from 2017-2019.
- See all posts…
- Personal projects
- Kindred Unspirits Holographic stickers of household items. I designed and built this store to learn how physical items are sold online. The store is rated five stars (so far).
- Personal item log An experiment in maintaining a catalog of personal belongings
- “The Ads Are Following Me!” - a visual story website about online advertising and retargeting
- Travel Instagram Editorials of the places I've traveled